Jury Application

Each year, WCMA solicits help from its membership and key industry personnel both regionally and nationally to act as qualified jurors.

WCMA Jurors Needed

Want to become a juror?

Music industry professionals are eligible to become WCMA jurors if:

They have a minimum of 5 years of music industry experience, and have been active in the industry within the last 2 years

Jurors must have confidence in their ability to make an objective assessment of a project based on the assessment tracks and documents provided. We believe that peer evaluation ensures a fair and transparent process and promotes equal representation throughout the industry.

The Western Canadian Music Awards values diversity, equity and inclusion and welcomes and invites jury members from diverse backgrounds to apply.  Each year, WCMA solicits help from its membership and key industry persons regionally and nationally to act as qualified jurors. 

Jury members are volunteering members of the music industry who are experts within their field and genre and represent the industry at large. Their knowledge and ability to interpret the current music landscape regionally and nationally, and the cultures within these landscapes, makes them best qualified to help WCMA select the Western Canadian Music Awards. 

By signing up as part of our jury does not automatically guarantee you will be assigned a category, that will depend on the number of people signing up. As a jury member you will be expected to vote in two rounds during the dates below. If you are a Music Industry Association member, you can only vote as a judge you will not be able to vote in any other categories except what you have been assigned to as we are using a new platform that does not allow it. If this is an issue, you can pass on it this year.

If you are interested in becoming a juror, or know someone who would be a great addition to the jury, please click here to fill out the Juror Application form. Any questions about the jury process, please contact Johnny Marlow or 204-943-8485 ext 2

Dates for 2025

December 3, 2024                      Jury Site Open

March 26, 2025                           Jury Site Closed

March 31, 2025                            Jury Assignments sent to Jury

April 28, 2025                              Voting First Round Jury

May 11, 2025                                 Voting First Round Jury CLOSED

June 4, 2025                               Second Round Jury and Membership voting

June 18, 2025                              Second Round Jury and Membership Voting CLOSED

Become an WCMA Juror

Each year, the Western Canadian Music Awards (WCMA) solicits help from its membership and key industry persons on a regional and national level to build its roster of qualified musicians and industry professionals to act as jurors. Our jurors may be asked to review submissions for our various awards categories. This is a volunteer position. 

Jurors are selected annually based on applicable expertise and experience, and are from diverse cultures and backgrounds. The jury process takes place in spring. Once you receive your jury package, you will have approximately two weeks to jury the submissions in the category(s) assigned to you. There are two rounds of jurying, one to select the short list of nominees, April 28 - May 11, 2025 and one to select your final choice, June 4 - 18, 2025. For most categories the winner will be decided by weighted vote results of jurors and membership vote.


Confidentiality & Conflict of Interest

Due to its sensitive nature, all jury processes are completely confidential. The WCMA ensures there will be no conflict of interest by jurors and provides a screening process.


Privacy Disclaimer

All information provided will be used solely for internal administration purposes and will not be released to third parties. By submitting your information, you are giving WCMA permission to contact you by email, phone or mail for upcoming juries and juror-related events. 

Required *
What are your other roles in the music industry? *
Please select as many as applies
Jurors who appear to be, connected to any artist, group, individual or company that is to be considered for an award, they should be disqualified as a juror from that category for the year in question (e.g: manager, agent, producer, session musician, relative, spouse or partner, etc.). WCMA considers a conflict to be persons or businesses in which you may share personal or financial interest and who/that may benefit as a direct result of WCMA activities (i.e.: manager, agent, producer, session musician, relative, spouse or partner, etc.).
Why do we ask self-identification questions?
Breakout West is an organization that affirms and is committed to diversity, equity, inclusion, accessibility and social justice. To affirm our commitment, we need to understand the composition of who is and who is not participating within our programs and services to make meaningful change for full and equitable representation. As a part of this ongoing process, individuals are requested to complete the following self-identification form. Your response to self-identification questions is voluntary. Self-identification terminology currently aligns with statistical collection frameworks for tracking, progress, and accountability. The WCMA will review social identity terms annually. All information is strictly confidential and will be accessible to select staff on a need-to-know bases for the purposes of strengthening actions in support of diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility, and to support aggregate statistics on representation and participation across programs and services. **Indigenous to Canada is applicable for First Nations (Status/Non-Status), Metis, and Inuit peoples. If you are Indigenous to another country, please indicate in the section on racial and ethnocultural identity below.
Categories of Interest
Please note that selecting one or two categories may limit our ability to consider you, as certain categories may have a higher number of applicants. (you may choose more than one category)
Please indicate the WCMA award categories for which you meet the qualifications. (you may choose more than one category)
Industry Awards
Please indicate the WCMA award categories for which you meet the qualifications. (you may choose more than one category)
Music Awards
Terms: By submitting this application form I understand that the jury process is confidential and agree to keep all information private. WCMA reserves the right to decline accreditation of any individual at its sole discretion. Completion of this form does not guarantee that you will be contacted to participate. I understand that if am selected, once a category is assigned, I will be able to view a list of artists who submitted to my assigned category. After reviewing the names if I notice a conflict of interest not previously provided by myself in this form I must declare this conflict with WCMA, and WCMA will reissue a new category to jury if needed.
Authorization *
Email Notifications