Posted On: Jun. 20, 2024


BreakOut West 2024 Conference Themes



Developing functional industry infrastructure that supports a diversity of projects, that diverge into different lanes of artistic expression, and different points of origin. Recognizing that folks may arrive at their goals at different speeds, and that we may not always know what passengers bring with them.


Following the currents of rising industry trends, identifying potential landfall and steering away from rapid changes that might unnecessarily rock a steady ship. Navigating from healthy headwaters down sustainable channels and avoiding meandering pathways, or getting caught looping an oxbow.

Conference Tracks

Both Sides Now
Good Friends
Refuge of the Roads

Bring together artists and industry from diverse backgrounds to identify commonalities, challenge preconceptions, and build bridges.


Develop new ideas and share strategies for growth and development across genres and industry segments.

Allow artists to be artists. Celebrate and amplify creativity and artistry while identifying pathways to sustainability, financially, and in terms of mental health.

Introduce new international markets for project development and reorient to changing landscapes in more familiar ones. 


Build real relationships between Canadian artists and industry and strategic international partners and collaborators.


Here's a few of the conference content pieces you can expect at BreakOut West 2024...


BreakOut West Radio Summit

BreakOut West 2024 will feature three conference sessions centred around radio including explorations of Indigenous Music radio, Francophone radio, and of course, the spectrum of independent-music focused radio across Canada and around the world. 


Pathways to AI

Tech waits for no one, and new tools for writing, image making, and music generation are quickly becoming readily available, but this begs a whole host of questions. Our panel of human beings investigates constructive approaches to AI in music, demystifying misconceptions, and identifying best practises to protect your intellectual property, and also find new and creative ways to showcase your musical personae through technology.


International Market Deep Dives

BreakOut West is your portal from the west to the rest of the world. Now is a great time to learn the ins and outs of the most vibrant export markets for Canadian music. 2024 will introduce three brand new international market deep dive sessions featuring professionals from across the region to identify new pathways to bring Canadian music across Turtle Island and beyond. Our regional focuses for 2024 are...

United States of America - Midwest region