Posted On: Jun. 11, 2019

Digawolf - Featured Artist

Digawolf is a storyteller. His breathy disaffected vocals draw endless comparisons to Leonard Cohen for a reason. His songs are evocative, but grounded in the social reality of northern life. With gleaning indie rock instrumentation propelling his prescient northern narratives in a distinctly blues aspect, Digawolf seamlessly ties together history with the present.


Raised in the Tlicho Nation, Behchoko, NT, Digawolf connects threads of community, lives lived and paths travelled. Singing in both english and his people’s language Tłı̨chǫ Yatıì, Digawolf carves a new path to becoming one of Western Canada’s most exciting songwriters. Digawolf is nominated for two Western Canadian Music Awards, Indigenous Artist of the Year and Rock Artist of the year.


1. What is the coolest show you have ever played?

Every time we play the Snowcastle in Yellowknife, pun intended! But in all seriousness, I will never forget opening up for the White Stripes in 2007. It was quite an honour, they were the nicest people that I have ever met.

2. How do you keep yourself healthy and happy working in music?

I am always looking for inspiration in music, in poetry, and in art. Every day is a challenge, but worth while investment. That being said, taking time to eat healthy is really important, and I try my best to take the time to live a healthy lifestyle.


3. What is the biggest challenge you've experienced in getting to where you are?

The biggest challenge is the geographical distance of living in Yellowknife. Everything happens down south, and living so remotely makes it a financial and logistical challenge to play music.

As well, opening a studio up here can see similar financial challenges when rent costs and availability of suitable space are a real problem. But hey... I’m always open to accepting donations.... *laughs*

Despite the challenges of living in the North, it is important to me to live where my roots are.


4. What is the best part of your life that isn't music related?

My art. My cartoons. I do a cartoon strip called « Jimbo Bear » for the local newspaper.


5. What is the best advice you have been given in the music business?

The best advice that I have ever gotten was from Pat Braden, one of the best Bass players in the North. When I was releasing my first album, I was having doubts about releasing it when it was finished, Pat encouraged me to take that leap. He said that once you get over that first big release, everything else will become easier from there. I remember smiling at him, he gave me the push I needed.