Posted On: Apr. 1, 2018
BreakOut West Announces Human Uber for #BOW2018!
We understand that not everyone is able to attend BreakOut West in Kelowna this Oct 10-14th. Breaking new ground for festival and conference experience, the BreakOut West team is extremely excited to announce our newest addition to this year’s event – Human Uber. Thanks to the power of technology, attendees will now be able to remotely attend BreakOut West via a human surrogate!
Image via Rekimoto Lab
For a slightly higher cost of a regular delegate registration package, remote attendees will be partnered with a surrogate volunteer, who will attend the conference panels, networking events, and showcases as your stand in. You will be able to see and hear everything in real time, while being able to engage with other attendees via the video conferencing your surrogate will be wearing. Share a drink with our roster of industry delegates from the comfort of your couch!
Registration for Uber Human will open shortly. And if you’re looking to join us in Kelowna BreakOut West in person, don’t miss out on early bird pricing available now.
Image via Rekimoto Lab
*Sorry to say this was an April Fools post. But that just means it's even more important for you to register today to join us IN PERSON Oct 10-14 in Kelowna.